Monday, December 31, 2012

[Tweet] I love Strawberries


I love Strawberries

She's so cute

[Tweet] New Year Food

I ate ddeokguk!!!!! 23!!! Euhahaha!!!!! I also ate bulgogi and dakdoritang Ah I'm happy!!! January 1st is great^^ 

Translated by yooniqda_

[Photos] 12.12.31. MBC 2012 Gayo To My Boyfriend Photos

[Fan] 12.12.29. SBS 2012 Gayo Dazzling Red This Person Fancam

lol Cole's dancing at the beginning :P

[Fan] 12.12.28. KBS 2012 Gayo Ending Nicole Photos by Nicole-A

[Fan] 12.12.31. MBC 2012 Gayo Fan Photo Previews


cr | as tagged

[Pics] 12.12.31. MBC SSTPA Nicole Photos


[Fan] 12.12.31. MBC 2012 Gayo Fan Photo Preview by Nicole-a

[Vid] 12.12.31. MBC 2012 Gayo KARA Cuts

[Audio] 12.12.31. KARA on SSTP

[Vid] 12.12.31. MBC 2012 Gayo : Interview + Fighting with A-JAX

[Vid] 12.12.31. MBC 2012 Gayo: To My Boyfriend

[Vid] 12.12.31. MBC 2012 Gayo Pandora Stage

Very nice fan chants :)

[Tweets] KARA's New Year's Tweets

Nicole: Our Kamilia~~Happy New Year ! On 2013 too let's spend a happy year together

Gyuri: My people you are prepared to have lots of fortune in new year right?

Seungyeon: Happy new year! Happy new year!!!! Happy new year!!! kkya! Oh no! Year 2013 gonna be a happy year!

Hara: On 2013 too i pray that it will become a healthy and happy year! kamilia too all of us love you all ~♥

Translated by yooniqda_

[Tweet] HamCole Selca!!

Uhuhut kekeke was it refreshing? It's Hamcole^^ 

Translated by yooniqda_

[Pics] SBS 2012 Gayo Rehearsal Photos (Nicole)


tip off | zephyrean

Sunday, December 30, 2012

[Fan] 2012 Gayo Fancams ( Nicole + Friends )

Cole & Amber

tip off | anon who posted here ^^

Cole with Key, Jonghyun, & Minho

so funny how she sorta scolded Jonghyun for not Hi-5 ing back at her :P

Cole with Jaejin at the top right around :45 secs :)

[Caps] KARASIA in Seoul DVD Date Caps (Her Facial Expressions)

[Caps] KARASIA in SEOUL VTR Caps (Nicole)


[Tweet] Ordinary

The ordinary can be beauty also

[Fan] 12.12.29. SBS 2012 Gayo Fancam: SHINee & Nicole

no interaction.. XD

Saturday, December 29, 2012

[Scans] KARASIA in Seoul Photocards (Nicole)


[Scan] KARA for Blenda Magazine (Japanese) Jan 2012 Ed.

[Fan] 12.12.28. KBS 2012 Gayo JiYoung Fancam (Cole's in it too!)

Cole chatting with Hyuna ... :)

[Tweet] Christmas Gift from SeungYeon + HamCole


Seungyeon unnie's christmas present to me! heehee 
Going to boil it and drink it deliciously..jealous right?!!! 

Translated by _songie

SY @ Nicole: It's a preserved lemon that full of vitamin Nicole-ssi ^^ Happy new year. 
You're 23 so it's still long before you really grown up

Nicole @ SY: Kekekeke Let's go eat delicious food tomorrow

Translated by yooniqda_

Aww HamCole/YeoNic FOOD DATE?!!  

[Fan] KARA gifts fans with Sandwiches, Drinks, & Hot Packs at MBC Gayo Pre-Recording


[Fan] 12.12.29. SBS 2012 Gayo Pandora Fancams

[Tweet] Ready to Play?

Everyone ready to play? ㅎ kkya ^~^ 

Translated by _karatweets

[Photos] 12.12.29. SBS 2012 Gayo Dazzling Red Photos

[Vid] 12.12.29. SBS 2012 Gayo Dazzling Red : This Person

Dazzling Red even trended World Wide on Twitter via omonaitsvennie


I was actually pleased with Nicole's airtime.. it was good lol.

[Vid] 12.12.29. SBS 2012 Gayo Dazzling Red Interview

[Vid] SBS 2012 Gayo: Making of Dazzling Red

[Vid] 12.12.29. SBS 2012 Gayo: Pandora

Friday, December 28, 2012

[Fan] 12.10.02. Nicole @ K-FOOD Ambassador Ceremony by nicole-a



[Pics] 12.12.28. KBS 2012 Gayo Photos

[Tweet] Playin with Selca


..Playing with selca since I don't like dozing off.. Tomorrow too please anticipate it a lot ^^

Translated by _karatweets

I'm glad Nicole is updating more and more.. seems she's thinking of the fans :)

[Fan] 12.12.28. Arriving at KBS 2012 Gayo


cr | dongwooS2/ as tagged


tip off | karaboard

[Fan] 12.12.28. KBS 2012 Gayo Nicole Photo by nicolea1007

[Vid] 12.12.28. KBS 2012 Gayo


Like the Intro Remix and Cole was fierce..she's soo good at it lol

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

[Tweet] Mermaid Princess

Our Dazzling Red's "That Person" has been released ㅋㅋ  But why do I like Mermaid Princess better ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ohohoh Kiss Me Kiss Me ~~~~

Btw today my hands are freezingㅜ

Translated by _karatweets

 LOL Cole. She doesn't seem to love it too much either XD

[New] KARA and Girls’ Generation are the highest selling Korean artists in Japan for 2012


KARA and Girls’ Generation finished off a successful year by ranking high on the Oricon yearly album chart. KARA ranked at #18 and Girls’ Generation at #25, making them the highest selling Korean artists in Japan for 2012.

KARA’s previous album ‘Super Girl’ which was released last November has already sold 295,651 copies while Girls’ Generation’s self-titled Japanese album sold 229,043 copies. Meanwhile, Japanese group Mr. Children’s ‘Mr. Children 2005-2010′ topped the Oricon chart as the best selling album in Japan this year by selling 1,170,298 copies.

KARA’s ‘Girls Forever’ and ‘Kara Collection’ also ranked at #66 and #99, respectively, on the Oricon yearly album sales chart, giving Kara three albums in the top 100.

Congrats to KARA and Girls’ Generation! 


[Audio] This Person by Dazzling Red

Not enough Cole for me XD

[Vid] 12.12.23. SBS Inkigayo The Color of K-POP: Dazzling Red Interview (Eng Subbed)

^^ like a Pro :)

Dazzling Red's song will be out tomorrow!!

[Pic] KARASIA at Tokyo Dome Official Concert Goods


tip off | dearkamilia

[Tweet] Macaroon macaroon macaroon macaroon macaroon macaroon... it's been a while and suddenly i'm thinking about it 

Translated by yooniqda_

Saturday, December 22, 2012

[Tweet] Red Lips


Early early Christmas selca ke red lips!!! I'm all red today.. Gyuri onnie too dreamlike red kekeke oh my goddess..kekekekeke please anticipate it!!^^;  

T/N: She made a typo on previous tweet 

Translated by yooniqda_

Friday, December 21, 2012

[Fan] Nicole @ Jackel is Coming Movie Premiere Fan Art


cr | bluebirdpin

[Vid] 12.12.21. KBS Music Bank: End of the Year Special Pandora

[Tweet] Yuki No Hana

The song that I really liked for today Yuki No Hana–Nakashima Mika ^^ The mood is really (great)

Translated by _karatweets

Thursday, December 20, 2012

[Fan] Lost Christmas Version Fan Art by ggnqs708

[Tweets] Feels like Christmas

Snow is coming and it's also the end of the year so it truly feels like Christmas..^^ endless loop of carols ㅎ

Translated by _karatweets

[Tweet] Oreo Ice Cream


Oreo ice cream I made last night. With this... A sweet beginning with the members? Fufu

Translated by cherrims

[Vid] 12.12.16. K-Pop in Okinawa (BS Sky Version)

There aren't shots of the audience like the other broadcast.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

[Tweet] Losing Something

Losing something together with gaining something..^^ !

Translated by yooniqda_

[Tweets] Kara’s Nicole Shows Off Her Bare Face in Her Recent Selca


On her Twitter in the afternoon of December 15, Kara’s Nicole uploaded a photo of herself along with a message, “V! I keep applying lip balm but my lips seem to be always dry.”

In the picture is Nicole gazing into the camera with a pouty expression and a V-sign. Despite the lack of any makeup, Nicole looks youthful and feminine. Her slim face is especially noticeable. 

Netizens who saw this picture replied, “Nicole is all grown up now. Wouldn’t be surprised if she gets married sometime soon,” “She looks so great without any makeup, it isn’t even a big deal to show her bare face anymore,” “Her lips are so dry. She must be really tired.”

Meanwhile, Kara will be performing an independent concert titled “Karasia 2012 Happy New Year in Tokyo Dome,” which will take place next year on January 6.

cr | soompi

!!! lol

Saturday, December 15, 2012

[Tweet] Stylist Song Tweets Cole's Cupcakes


Nicole preparing the cupcakes, putting on the frosting? lol

The stylist said she doesn't usually like sweet stuff but ate 3 of them :)

[Tweet] JiNi LOVE

Pre recording ended well! Nicole unnie came to support me and brought her homemade cupcakes ~~ Unnie jjang!!>_< 

Translated by _karatweets 

Nicole retweeted  this tweet and added:

Kkangjii our kangji!!! keke really pretty >_< gonna watch the broadcast!!!


[Tweet] Dry Lips


V! no matter how much I put lip balm, my lips still dryㅜ ihing ㅎ

Translated by yooniqda_

Friday, December 14, 2012