Thursday, December 27, 2018

[Pic] Nicole with Fan Meeting MC Furuya Masayuki

[Instagram] Nicole & Staff in Japan

Nicole got her dancers Christmas presents!

[Fan] Nicole's Photos for haru*hana Vol 56

[Vid] Nicole for haru*hana Magazine Vol 56 Video Message

Monday, December 24, 2018

[News] 18.12.25. Nicole's Photos from Our Christmas List Fan Meeting (Model Press)

[Video] Hara & JiYoung went to Nicole's Fan Meeting in Tokyo

Hara had her fan meeting the day after Nicole's  and these photos of the 3 were displayed!
Luckily there is news coverage, so the rest of us get to see!

How many years has it been?!

SO nice to see them all reunited :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

[IG Live] 18.12.09. Instagram Live

[Fan] 18.12.19. Nicole Arriving to Kansai Airport