Tuesday, February 7, 2012

[Pic] KARA Best Clips II DVD Cover


click on pics for full size


  1. I know we love to boast how Nicole looks FABULOUS in anything but... stylists, take it with a grain of salt. xD

  2. About Nicole's fur...i think that is the same fur Hara wore at one of the red carpets last year. I can't remember which award show hmm.

  3. I think this is the 2nd version of the cover. A lot nicer. http://i.imgur.com/S0ly0.jpg

  4. HQ pics are available: https://twitpic.com/show/large/8h89h3

    1. Sorry. wrong links. http://i.imgur.com/OTwVT.jpg

  5. DSP should learn to NOT recycle things that is just bleurghh!! that furry thingy has been an eyesore since Hara first worn it... then Jing.. now Cole! Cole has s lovely simple dress but that 'dead racoon' must go!! lol

  6. I am pretty sure that if the initial comment was
    "that furry thing looks great on Cole"
    there would be no bad comment about it
    from the other children.

    Not here, not in all the other posts doing the same thing.

    How much time and how many posts does it take
    for the owner of this blog to learn
    not to provoke stupid children
    because all they do is follow the initial comment.

    They don't have an opinion of their own.

    They are stupid children and all they do is
    repeat what others say.

    How much time and how many posts does it take
    for the owner of this blog
    and the stupid children to realize
    that anything my 3 girls wear
    is in the shadow of their gorgeousness
    and there isn't a single thing that can poke my eyes
    enough for me to notice it, even if it really is ugly,
    because I am too blinded by their beauty.

    1. It's a blog, people are allow to state their own opinion, if people are sueded by it then it's their own choice. Saying people don't have their own opinions is quite offensive to those who come here to state and share their opinions amongst the fans. Some of us see both sides of our bias, not everything that they do or wear is always the best on them. And I do agree on the fur, it was an unnecessary add on, the dress is fine without it. But I was hoping for her to be wearing a gown like the rest of the other girls.

    2. Someone seemed to have had a subpar day... Well, that's why you're here! Let the awesomeness of Nicole flow into you and smile (and not be rude) =)

  7. I am pretty sure that if the initial comment was
    "that furry thing looks great on Cole"
    there would be no bad comment about it
    from the other children.

    Not here, not in all the other posts doing the same thing.

    How much time and how many posts does it take
    for the owner of this blog to learn
    not to provoke stupid children
    because all they do is follow the initial comment.

    They don't have an opinion of their own.

    They are stupid children and all they do is
    repeat what others say.

    How much time and how many posts does it take
    for the owner of this blog
    and the stupid children to realize
    that anything my 3 girls wear
    is in the shadow of their gorgeousness
    and there isn't a single thing that can poke my eyes
    enough for me to notice it, even if it really is ugly,
    because I am too blinded by their beauty.

    So I can't post what I think on MY OWN blog as to not provoke others? People post whatever they want as you do. It just so happens a small amount of people agreed with me, it doesn't really mean anything. This shouldn't be blown out of proportion by calling people names. When I and others comment on Nicole's styling, it's about her styling. It has nothing to do with Nicole as a person, I have always supported Nicole and the rest of KARA so don't misunderstand my comments as something that it isn't.

  8. Get it together KARA stylist. This is just too much laziness. Recycle. Recycle. That ugly fur again? Those chunky silver shoes AGAIN???? On DVD covers now? It's like they will haunt us.

    I don't think these covers are that nice but the second cover is much better than the first. At least Nic isn't wearing the ugly fur in the other cover. I know KARA are popular but UMJ/DSP need to put more effort into their packaging. KARA and their fans deserve better looking stuff than this when the prices are so high.

  9. Being Nicole-biased, I wish Nicole could be at the center more often for official photos like these... >_<

    1. I don't care where they stand cause they are all beautiful in my eyes :P

  10. I don't understand why does Hara always gets to be the centre attraction and gets the best design.Give the other members some limelight too please.

  11. seriously , people. despite of the "recycle" dress thing, why some of you questioning whose got the right to be spot on in the centre?
    come on. this is KARA, they are all Beautiful. as i remember, KARA doesnt have any rule whose who to be place in the centre. they always changes. Dont make KARA sounds like the other group.

  12. Mae, just enable the comments for registered user. It's an eyesore to read those comments from person behind the anonymous, where they can use this as an excuse to say anything without respecting other people's opinion..
