Tuesday, September 11, 2012

[me2day] Nicole's Chat Session Translations


Nicole "yo yo yo whatsup" 

Nicole "I have variety shows that i wanna go to as well but i'm scared"  

Nicole "Running Man is very interesting

Nicole "I like my long hair but i would like to have an image transformation"  

Nicole "My ideal type is a guy who is manly and only knows me" 

Nicole's favorite KARA song is still My Darling ^^  

Nicole said her complex is that she has a waist but she has no hip (?)

Nicole is getting a massage after this chat session  

Kami "It's Nicole queen of idol network!"
Nicole "I'm not a network queen kk"

Kami "Nicole types fast in Hangeul!"
Nicole "I can type really fast ever since elementary school, (that's probably why) my fingers are long"

"Q:If it's this actor (to act with me), it'd be really good!" Who do u choose?"

Nic "ehh don't you know who that is?!" (Yoo Seungho fangirl) 

Nicole "I like exercising but i can't run fast"

Nicole "I play dodgeball well"

Nicole "I don't have confidence about my face the most"

Nicole "I and Hara wear the same sized pants, almost"

Nicole "Please go to sleep within the 10-12pm era, that's when the hormones are coming out."

Nicole "I sleep for 6-7 hrs only"  

Translations by KamiliaVN
The other member's chat translations are tweeted by the same account as well ^^

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaa that must be fun chatting with Nicole XDD
    Looking at how slow I'm typing right now make me wonder how fast cori can type :)) I love Nicole!
