Wednesday, September 5, 2012

[Vid] 12.09.05. SBS Midnight Entertainment TV Interview + Translations!

KamiliaVN @ twitter was awesome and translated this fun interview :D

Hara "Have you gained any nickname recently?"
Nicole "Call? (sounds like Cole)"

Nicole "When I sing 1 2 3 4 5 6 Do It!, my kids (puppies) will eat their snacks" LOL

Gyul "When you think, do u think in English or in Korean?" Nicole "I mix them all"

Nicole "Sometimes there's a word that's more convenient to think in Japanese, sometimes in English and sometimes in Korean."

Hara "I wanna speak in 3 languages as well..."

Ham to Nicole "Please speak in 3 languages right now at this situation" Hara *being honest* "But will we be able to understand...?"

Nicole "Right now, I'm feeling so uneasy" Gyul "But that's Korean"

Gyuri intro "Hello I'm 23-year-old (western age) KARA's Park Gyuri"

Hara "You've filmed a lot of cosmetics (CF) right? Pls some us a pose" Gyul *poses* Cole "Why do i find it so funny (looking at Gyul)"

Gyuri's motto "Let's take high heels(as) precious (things)"

Seungyeon "Park Gyuri sii, no matter when you rest or when you work, you never give up on high heels, your slipper are the high heeled ones as well. What's the reason for not giving up on high heels?"

Gyuri "For Seungyeon ssi, you look small right? But actually you ARE small. However it's because you are small so it's ok for you to look small. For me, if you look at my upper body, I have the face of a 170 cm tall person. Therefore I have to meet the expectation of our fans."

Seungyeon's caption "Han Seungyeon 25 years old , interesting fact: a girl who is still dreaming about a dream (?)" lol

Gyul "Why do you look so young like that? Do you take anti-aging (drugs)?" Hara "Why is your face so small like that?"

Ham "I was born like that. I have stopped growing. My body has stopped growing."

Seungyeon "You know when you get to 20, your height will increase like this, with long hair and body with lines and you walk like this on the street..I thought that I would turn out be like that...But I'm just getting old, my height stays the same..If you get to know my reality, it's sad.."

Jiyoung "Do you have a married life that you dreamt of?

Gyul "Is Kang Dong Won ssi still your ideal type?" Seungyeon "Yes"

Nic "What kind of proposal that you want to receive?"

Ham "I haven't received any (surprise) event yet..There's that thing!! You know, in front of the house you see (him) through your window then lots of balloons start flying up and he starts singing for you..I want to receive a proposal like that."

Gyul *trolls* "Seems like she has really never received any (surprise) event!"

Hara "Jiyoung ssi who just become an adult recently, I heard that you asked PD-nim to have a kiss scene..??"

Jing "In the scripts there was a scene (walking comfortably) written, but I felt like it should have had something more to it.."Ah too bad!" that kinda feeling (?)"

Hara "Did you do it then?"

Jing "On my forehead..Honestly, forehead is a know"

Jing "I realized that (a kiss) on the forehead is nothing big at all."

Ham "Not long ago, on broadcast you said "I am not innocent" right? What do you think the standard of innocence is?"

Jing "I have watched an andult movie once..It wasn't attacking/shocking as much as I thought"

Gyuri "Among KARA's members, "I am more innocent that this person", who do you think it is?"

Jing "Gyuri unnie" Gyuri *rages* You get out!!"

Gyul "When you were filming that drama (Rainbow Rose), I taught you how to act drunk right? Please act drunk again here."

Jing *takes a shot* "Ya!! You little things!" (Cori looking all shocked and LMAO!!)

Jing "Unnie I can't do it!"

Gyul "I have taught her wrong"

Ham "You have exercised a lot to prepare for this album's sexy concept. Please demonstrate one of your techniques."

Hara "It's called the Frog Jump" *jumping like a frog* lol

Seeing her dress kinda flying up, GyulHamCole *protective mode* "Ok ok it's good it's good"

Nic "Do you have a habit that you want to change?"

Hara "I have many..One of my legs is swollen/bigger than the other."

GyulHamColeJing *surprised* "We didn't know that!

Hara "My Edema is bad. I have Varicose vein. So sometimes when I'm walking I *tuk* just hit myself like this."

Ham "So that it's relaxed?"

Hara "Yes. Sometimes I feel like it's getting heavy, I tuk tuk (hitting her leg with the other leg).."

Gyul "That's amazing"

Ham to Hara "Who(do you think) is the easiest person?"

Gyul "You ARE the easiest person!"

Ham "That's not it!! That isn't it right?!"

Gyul "I'm kidding"

Hara *slightly angry expression* "You're calling me easy??"

Awkward silence~~ LMAO!!

Gyul "No, we're asking who do you think is the easy person here (amongst us 4)"

Gyul "Please don't be mad~"

Hara *silly smile* "I love everyone equally" *heart*

Loved this interview, so silly and great to have the girls interview each other haha.

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