Wednesday, December 5, 2012

[Fan] KARA Solo Collection Review

Nicole indeed does have more photos! :)

Thanks to the person who tipped this off .


  1. Yup!
    I made screencaps of the pages that were 'missing' LOL Good to know they got same no of pages.
    But in actuality, in magazine features/spreads, Cole & Gyuri sometimes get less pages/photos than the others.

    Maybe DSP is trying to push the other more popular members .. but it kind of pissed me off. But nothing much can be done annyway .. have to bear with it I guess.
    My secret wish is after their contract ends with DSP, maybe Cole could continue as a solo artist under some other company who appreciates her more and could promote her better
    -Just personal ranting here- ;P

    1. I understand where you are coming from but I do think that Nicole's personal feelings play a bigger role in what she wants to do or pursue than we think. She really hasn't talked about what she'd like to do outside of KARA, besides the cafe thing. She seems to enjoy being with the other girls and who knows if she thinks about other solo ventures, she never talks about it XD

      Magazine editors.. they are and can be biased as well.

      I'm just grateful for anything she decides to participate in these days haha.

    2. Well, all of Nicole fans are upset, all of them want Nicole in another comapny that will make her shine bright like a dimond LOL.

      can you open a Discussion page here please we need to express our dreams about our tweety Nicole!

      Can we talk to DSP LOL.
      just tell them we want a slol album for Nicole!!

      Guyz, the last question Nicole seemes to be not very happy these days and she is hating XD who we don't know LOL


    3. "can you open a Discussion page here please we need to express our dreams about our tweety Nicole!"

      Haha I'll try.. as you can probably tell I am not an expert at blogger.. so I'll see what I can do.. XD
