Wednesday, January 1, 2014

[Tweet/Instagram] New Year with Mom!


Start of a New Year

 with mommyyy (:

If I were to over analyze this, Nicole's saying It's ALL Good :)


  1. I think Nicole's made peace with her decision & the other girls have as well :) since they've been dealing with this for the past few months. They have been such troopers and kudos for them for being so strong through it irregardless of the decision. After all, I'm sure it wasn't easy to have to deal with everything while still performing/being in public.

    Now the bigger question ISN'T if Nicole has signed with DSP but IS have Gyuri, Seungyeon & Hara signed with DSP? I think we're all forgetting that we have not had any confirmation of any of them staying with DSP.

    Oh how I wish that a company would take them as a whole! KARA 5 :)

    1. I think Nicole made peace with her decision when she wrote her feelings about it on Twitter lol.

      Actually there is no confirmation about anything. We'll know soon enough though...
