Thursday, August 28, 2014

[Fan] 14.08.28. Nicole at Key's Zorro Musical Fan Photos

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  1. Nicole, constantly supporting her friends no matter what. I hope when she returns she'll get the same show of support from them. I wonder how her idol friends and inner circle in the industry feel about this whole situation with Kara and DSP, I'm really curious as whose side they would take... hahaha...

    Side note. Does it not seem at all odd that Kara is suddenly appearing on shows that they've never been on during the last two years of their promotions? As if DSP was keeping them away from certain shows on purpose during that time and now want to push them on to every show. I get it, they're trying to save face but it irks me a bit that they kept Nicole and Jiyoung from those shows. Urgh!!! It seems like everyday I find something new to vent about when it comes to this new Kara. Nicole! Save me from all this and make your comeback already!

    1. Kara in shows bcoz they need more fans& build their name again in korea. I dont say kara is unpopular but they lost so many fans b4.

    2. Hmm is their really a side to take? If they are Nicole's friends they'll support her. If they're not friends with Kara/DSP and have no relation to them then they there really isn't much of a reason for them to think about it. Nicole left when her contract ended, a clean break. Everyone is trying to move on and each side can do their own thing. I don't know what situation exists anymore for them to take sides on.

  2. Penny, I removed your post because I don't want to spread rumors about KARA here.

    To answer your question, I have heard things too but I choose to take things with a grain of salt. What are the chances that this anonymous person is a legitimate person and would blab about KARA. As for if the members are in touch, only time will tell.

    I did notice towards the end of last year, it was tense with all of them XD Nicole usually hangs out with her idol friends during the end of the year shows so I don't think that's anything new.

  3. Is it true that jing say i miss you to nicole :O

    1. Now i get it :D thanks :)

    2. Jiyoung has facebook?? The real one??? I thought she has insta only...

    3. And do u have the message or something? I would to read it T^T ~

    4. Really? That's awesome! Do you have a link?

  4. Replies
    1. She posted a clip of her playing the piano.

      Her comment was "Nicole I still remember this :)♥"

      According to the comments from the fan page, the song was Yiruma's song River Flows In You. For all the Nicole fans out there, you will remember that Nicole said that song was a favorite of hers in an interview a couple years ago :)

  5. She´s so cute, I can´t wait for her solo debut
