Sunday, August 21, 2011

[Tweet] Pilates Session + G.NA & Cole convo


“This is the picture my Pilates teacher took for me yesterday, Oohahaha.” 

"A photo that my pilates teacher took for me yesterday! Let’s become cute!! "
(^^ In Japanese)

Cole & G.NA tweet Convo :

G.NA @ Cole (referring to the tweet above): kekeke As usual you are awesome kekeke Let's run together puhaha

Cole @ G.NA: You're so glamourous-y skinny already lol!! But let's go together kekeke stretch them stretch them your stiff muscles kekeke

CR: RoyalG_Tweets 


  1. woww! such flexibility LOL
    btw, is that her teacher or Corii herself? :P

    That means she's taking pilates, right? Cool.. it'll be great if she posts a vid of herself doing it .. but knowing our shy dork -- wishful thinking kekeke

  2. oppss.. it's her!
    Sorry Mae! my eyes are still half closed this morning i guess LOL
