Thursday, January 31, 2013

[Vid] KARA won Best Girl Group AllKPOP Awards

@ 9:07


Info graphic for the awards by AK:


I know I should be better than this but KARA winning this award FROM AllKPOP (specifically) gives me Great satisfaction. The chart shows that most votes were from North America and South East Asia, no, not just Japan :P 
KARA has many supportive fans from all over the world and this is how KARA won this award.
Yay to KARA and Kamilia!


  1. Wow! KARA won! That is great! They had some tough competition there! Congrats to the girls! I was hoping Nicole would give a "Thank You" speech in English...oh well...maybe next time! Congrats again!!!!!!

  2. YAYE DAEBAK I loveeeeeeee kara !! :)

  3. what??? you-you must be joking! what about snsd? *sorry to bring up that group
    wow... so amazed i can't even think. is 2013 really a year for kara (finally!!!) ?

    1. The category was for artists that released songs in 2012.
