Monday, February 7, 2011

[Info + blab] Urakara Ratings so far..

EP. 01 - 4.3%

EP. 02 - 1.7%%

EP. 03 - 2.5%

EP. 04 - 4.1%
Source: donnyhuang @ KH

whoa..totally jumped! EP 4 was summary of Episodes 1-3, so I hope those viewers keep watching..

So about Urakara.. when I was watching the first episode.. it did feel very awkward.. we hadn't really seen the girls as "actors", they've done things here and there but this drama is their first major gig not as singers.This is also an idol drama and yea, caters to the fans.. I've seen some harsh comments about the girls but I mean it's not like all of them wanted to be actors or dreamt of it.. this show is part of their job XD. I'll give them time, I still see them as a KARA first and if any of them want to pursue acting later on then they have my support. But for now, I'm just taking it all and thinking positive. Jing's episode looks good and obviously can't wait to see Nicole's XD

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