Sunday, September 16, 2018

[Video] 18.09.16. MBC King Of Masked Singer



This was such a surprise! She sounded beautiful!
Nicole said she went on the show to get more courage, I hope she got that :)


  1. She did the surprise! I quite shock when see it in my timeline someone mention Nicole in KOMS. She sound beautiful. I miss her singing. She got nervous when she sing without the mask but the audience and panel reaction look good. Hope she got the courage and will comeback soon!

  2. This was definitely a nice surprise for us fans. Honestly, I never thought this would be something she would do, knowing how well aware of herself she is. We all know she's no powerhouse vocal, so a program like this where all you do is showcase your vocal skills would probably be something we would think she would avoid, but after this performance, all I can say is how proud of her I am. She's taking risks and showcasing a new found sense of confidence that she's gain through out her time away from the spotlight. It was a bit unfair to pair her up with someone who has such an operatic voice, but her soothing voice definitely smoothed out the song. Maybe 'Immortal Song' next?... hahaha... but I really hope after this there will be actual news of her comeback.

  3. Really surprise and hope this is a sign for her comeback....
