Sunday, September 4, 2011

[Tweet] Gekidan Hitori & Ms. Shirley

don't know if you guys have been following ..

Gekidan Hitori visited Aura but it was closed. 

Ms. Shirley (Cole's mom) found out and tweeted:

.It was unfortunate that I missed you at Aura. I wanted to thank you for supporting KARA~~^^!. Nicole' mom, Shirley Kim~^^

Hello,Nicole' mom! Today I went to your store. It was very delicious! KAMILIA"GEKIDAN HITORI"

Oh I missed you again while I was sharing some time with Nicole about Paris! Hmmm....

cr: their twitters.


  1. So Cole's mom accompanied her to Paris?.. :) Good to know that they spent quality time in that romantic city XD

  2. jadededyetinspired, I think Ms.Shirley meant she couldn't be at the restaurant the day Gekidan Hitori was visiting because she was at home catching up with Nicole about Paris (b/c Cole just got home that day).. that's how I understood it XD

  3. ^^ mae..
    i got it.. i guess i read wrongly lol
