Sunday, March 4, 2012

[Fan] 12.03.04. Music World Festival in Okinawa Fan Tweeets

[The impressive members behavior from visitor's tweets]

Hara who cares about Nicole who cannot move on the stage.

Seungyeon who took charge of Gyuri's part's follow & main.

Jiyoung who took charge of Nicole's wheelchair and did fine care.

Nicole who bore a cold and the injury of leg and responded to kamilia.

KARA's 5 persons are Really The Best!!

Tran Cr | superkarafan

So Cole is sick too XD


  1. did she dance??owh..her leg condition is worst than we thought..i really hope she will recovery is a sad view to see she cry bcoz she cant dance and perform in her best condition for kamilia =( ireally hope she can be healthy again..hwaiting =)

  2. If Cole cries, it could only mean she's enduring horrific pain or that she's really emotionally stressed out with her whole situation ...
    poor bby! I really hope her leg recover smoothly and ASAP
