Saturday, April 7, 2012

[Fan] Capa's Fan Account @ a photo session with KARA in Taiwan

I’ve not written postscript for a long time, but since this is the first time KARA came to Taiwan, it would be a pity not to write one. I have to start from the airport. Although I had photographed KARA in Seoul, I did not have a deep impression. It’s only when KARA came to Taoyuan International Airport, unlike other groups, KARA was willing to stop and let the photographers take a picture of all KARA members. That left a deep impression (AS *I think he means After School* as well) …

The next day at the hotel, KARA was taking interviews from the Taiwanese media, one by one. Naturally I could not miss this opportunity to meet KARA alone. My scheduled time slot was 3 pm. I took along my equipment and the STEP SE CD to the hotel room 5F. KARA was scheduled to be in a small room for photo shoot. When I stepped into the room, I noticed Hara looking at me, and kept looking at me, my face turned red. I began preparing the camera and lighting equipment, and I looked secretly at Hara. She was still looking at me curiously. Although I have a lot of experience working with famous artistes, but facing Hara I felt shy XD. Hara then went to the translator and whispered, and the translator came and said to me, Hara wanted to know who you are, because your hair is so long. The translator became our translator… but I was speaking to Hara face to face. Hara said my hair texture is good, I said I have kept my hair for more than six years. Hara said she was very envious of my hair. I was embarrassed. I then began preparing for the shoot. Hara then went towards the other members including Nicole and Gyuri and they looked at me and whispered among themselves XD, I could only pretend to be calm… Shooting began, I told KARA I needed test shots, and took a few to look at the lighting. At this moment bubbly Nicole spoke to me in English, and asked me to let her see the shots. I was stunned for a moment, and brought the camera to her to show her the shots, I think I was only a few centimeters from her. They couldn’t stop laughing when they saw the shots, till this moment I still don’t understand why XD. During the shoot, I told each KARA member how to pose. After the shoot, I took a group photo with KARA for souvenir, and they signed the STEP SE CD I brought … KARA was vey relaxed at the set, there were no fans at the scene, they did not know I was a Hallyu fan, so I could see them walking around eating snacks and drinking our Taiwan local drink. At one point Nicole squealed out loud after taking a sour drink. They were really cute. The phones never left their hands and they played non-stop … When KARA saw me at the Taoyuan International Airport on their way back to Korea, from their expression when they saw me, they seemed to recognize me…

Translation by steprider@6Theory


  1. woo awesome :| makes me want to become a photographer just so I can see them backstage like that haha

  2. I LOVE THIS FANACCOUNT LOLOLOL GAWD!! LMAO friggin HARA lolol KARA xD !! hahahah poor guy was prolly so nervous lol atleast his fanaccount shows karas natural side xD lol <3 <4 <5 <^ <7 <8 <9
