Thursday, April 5, 2012

[Vids] 12.04.05. Key talks 91 Line & Mister dance

SD: Who’s the member with the widest contacts/connections?
Everyone: Key!
MH: Especially celebrity friends.
MC: There was a lot of news talking about the 91-line!
MC: Who are the members of this line?
Key: There’s at least one person from a team that’s in the 91-line.
Key: KARA’s Nicole, miss A’s Min, 2AM’s Jinwoon, After School’s Nana, there’s indeed a lot.
SD: Do you guys meet up often?
Key: The times where all of us are able to meet are events like on my birthday.
Key: I’m the one who gathers them together.

Key: I’m the one who started the line when I befriend Nicole. Then Nicole’s friends became my friends and then it spread around and we all are now friends.
MC: I’m really curious about one thing. So when you guys meet up, who will be the one who pays for your meals?
Key: The person who initiates the meet ups will be the one paying~
MC: Then wouldn’t it be you, Key?
Key: Yeah, it’s been me paying for almost all the time.
Key: If not me, it’ll be Jinwoon who pays.
SD: Oh, is Jinwoon a thrifty person?
Key: There were rumors saying he had a practice room at home.
Key: It’s been going on around about Jinwoon being a *umchinah. (*A person with a full package, like good looks, wealthy, etc.)
MC: Woah, really?
MC: That guy can be a really good *dongsaeng! (* casual way of calling a younger brother)
MC: Ya! What do you mean by ‘that guy’, it should be Jinwoon-*hyungnim! (*a respectful way of calling an older guy)
JH: It should be the ‘Rich Hyung’!  

SD: So what do you guys do on usual meet ups?
Key: We eat, and also go for noraebang sessions! (Karaoke)
MC: Don’t you guys drink alcohol?
Key: We do, at times.
MC: Do you guys sing your own songs or?
Key: It’s way more fun to sing others’ songs instead of our own ones!
MC: Oh really? So you change amongst yourself?
Key: For an example, Infinite’s Woohyun will sing my song and then at times we’ll also do girl group songs!
Key: Then everyone will go crazy having fun while dancing to those songs!
MC: Then what’s your favourite song to sing, Key?
Key: I sing Kara’s songs the most.

Taemin & Key dance a bit to Mister:

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