Tuesday, June 28, 2011

[Gifs + Cap] Cole looks adorable here!!

I love her jumpsuit and the usagi headband..aww so cute & girly!!


  1. She looks so cute! What show is this?

  2. oh sorry im not quite sure what show but i do know that this was from the preview, the show hasn't aired yet.

  3. mae,
    Agree!! She looks so femininely lovely XD
    Hope she can grow her hair longer like KARA4 days ...
    BTW, the last gif made me realise how thin and gaunt Jing is now.. her thigh is even smaller than Cole now.. hope she doesn't continue to wither away coz she looks prettier and healthier before the weight loss T_T

  4. ^^ I know right.. i think Jing really wants to be 'grown up' but no..it's too fast really XD

  5. the caps was taken from HEY3X preview :)

  6. let's just hope jing will stay healthy . .
    diet is so hard for her, maybe the hardest among them, n she made this far.
    why don't we just appreciate her hard work n hope all of KARA members will stay healthy ?
