Wednesday, April 3, 2013

[News/Info] Nicole has a Glamour Body?!!


There are articles about Nicole having a "glamour body" and even being called  "bagel girl" due to this cap of her from the soycart cm (from last year ) is making news. This cap was posted with the title "Nicole surprisingly has a glamour body" online XD

 It's the top she wears when she's actually suppose to be chubby in the cf, kind of interesting haha.

I think Nicole tweeting to Patrick Stump was sorta of cool, wonder if that will make news.. XD


  1. Surprisngly glamour body? Haven't ppl seen her enough times to already know she has a great body. Lol, you can hardly even see her body in that cap. I swear..idol girls put on a good push up bra and it makes news. I hope her tweets with Patrick Stump make news, that's more interesting.

  2. I don't have to know her personally to know for a fact she is no where near that busty lol. That is a nice cap though hahaha.

  3. took a long time for people to notice lol..

  4. Surprisingly?? ... Seriously?? Cole has always had an awesome body esp since she took up pilates. I think they're referring to her bustier than usual 'top' .. LOL

    Anyway, I've tipped allkpop abt her tweets with Patrick .. hopefully they'll pick it up :)

    Still hoping some fans managed to take pixs of her excursion to Harajuku ;)
