Thursday, November 21, 2013

[Tweet] Nicole & Shirley On A Date


오랜만의 데이트~~^^

(Date, after a long time ~~^^)


  1. I was wondering where is nicole's father ?!?! Is he like dead or not in nicole's life or what ? It sad to see that her father is not in her life .

    1. I have no idea if they are close or what happened to him but it's clear that that information is very personal and there's a reason we don't know more. We should respect Nicole's privacy.

    2. Since Ms. Shirley's last name is not Jung, my guess is that Nicole's father and Ms. Shirley divorced when Nicole was a kid and Ms Shirley raised Nicole alone without Nicole's father. Nicole rarely talks about her father, but she did mention him several times and only things she said were how he treated and taught her when she was young. Nicole didn't mention him sadly so I don't think he's dead.
