Sunday, August 14, 2011

[Info] MV Filming done!

KARA, music video shooting is over just now.

cr: kamilia0329 @ twitter
A couple of the dancers tweeted:
드디어 기나긴 고생끝에 뮤비끝났네여. 오늘 완전 고생한 우리 카라, 야마&핫칙스 또 댄서 동생,친구들!! 너무 수고했어~~!! 알라뷰
She says Hot Chicks (Female dance team that created "Honey" dance) & Yama (Male dance team that created Break It, Mister, Lupin etc dances) were there!!

Another tweeted:

모두 고생 많으셨습니다 ,,!!!카라 대박나길 !!!!

KARA Jackpot!!

I'm getting MAJOR ideas based just on this knowledge haha.. excited!!!