Monday, April 1, 2013

[Audio] 13.04.01. Recomen! Radio: Nicole English Course Teacher

"Boys, get it together"

The DJ asked odd questions ..hence the odd English XD

Japanese and Korean translations available at Karaboard

Also the DJ said Cole was cute.. she's like.. oh really .. I have no makeup on LOL XD

Aw Nicole's the BEST, she even mentioned that Gyuri and SeungYeon were preparing a drama in Korea and for fans to wait for it :)


  1. If they want her to be better at Japanese they should hire an ENGLISH speaker to teach her so it won't be so confusing for her. I can't imagine how hard it is to learn a 3rd language being taught by your 2nd language that you're not completely fluent in yet >.> Another reason I admire her so much. Nicori fighting!

    1. Yes, they should have.. but then that'd be too easy for Nicole right? lol. I'm thinking DSP didn't want to pay for another teacher or the teacher they hired wasn't fluent in English XD

      I agree, Nicole works super hard on everything she does.

  2. Does she use an accent to make it easier for nonenglish speakers to understand what she's saying? I remember long ago on a radio show she explained the difference between how english is said in Kara songs and then the proper way to say it. Then here when she was explaining "bending my elbow" she kind of said it with an accent but then at 16:56 said it w/o one. I find that interesting.

    1. Yes, I think she used an accent to show how the word is pronounced since during the earlier parts, she said the other words fine.
