Sunday, August 8, 2010

[blab] Heroes EP 4

Finally fans were fed up with Nicole's lack of airtime on the recent episode and decided to take it to the show's bulletin board. Actually an article written about it HERE. I'm glad they did something instead just blaming Nicole. What I don't understand is why is Nicole NOT even present half the time? Like when the non popular group were together in their room.. Nicole was missing. Okay the other group were eating crab and I know Nicole's on a diet but she CAN'T even be in the same room?.. I think she can handle herself lol.

When they were eating breakfast.. Cole helped but she just ate yogurt .. 

Credit: dckara.

LOL smart of Nicole to smash her bottle so hard Jiyeon couldn't blow air though XD. Nicole got a ride at the end and was sweet enough to offer the ladies her Stitch slippers and Inyoung took it lol


  1. FINALLY, Nicole does need more air time. But I really wonder if Nicole does more to get more air time(like if they were to put more air time, what would they put up since Cole doesn't talk much). I mean I really want her to have air time too even if it's not funny.

    Nicole didn't eat the chicken in the first episode either. Usually she would be the only idol with an eating close up x3

  2. Nicole knows how to get airtime though.. late last year to earlier this year.. all the shows she was on.. she got noticeable airtime, like articles etc.. if Nicole doesn't feel like this is her thing.. then it can't be forced either.. I feel like Nicole can be more productive elsewhere.. I don't think they will miss her on the show XD She's not even considered popular there... what universe is that true lol

  3. woah the Korean fans sure got really fired up to posting on the shows bulletin board...even made article emerged because of it. Do they pointing any fingers? either to the production/editing team or maybe some casts?
    I do feel many Nicole parts either got cut out or just being fast forwarded from the show ever since its pilot episode, the arm wrestling, the Taeyang one, the Mister dancing practice, until recently the hitch ride thing..if i know Korean i'd go to that bulletin board too lol The PD should thought about this when they casted 12 people for this show
    But on the bright side i think it shows Nicole popularity level no? coz if its happen in let say 2008 fans probably would be satisified with Nicole being casted XD
