Thursday, August 12, 2010

[blab] Explanation.

Okay I know some of you have seen posts where I rant, then those posts magically disappear lol. That is because those posts only represent what I'm feeling in the moment, not necessarily what I feel in general  haha. Stuff I don't agree with exists and it's really easy for me to get riled up about it haha but I want this blog to be a positive place. So if you see stuff disappearing.. that is why XD If that sounds crazy..then I'm crazy lol.


  1. I actually like the rants that you post because its so true!

  2. i second that notion, taro milk tea :D

  3. I like the rants too. It makes me think of my opinions. Cuz I can't really put my opinions into words that will give the same meaning as what's in my mind xD

    I like the rants since they a reasonable.
